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Popularity of cycling: routes and practical advice

Bicycle sales are booming in Luxembourg. There's good news for you: with 632 kilometres of cycle paths to explore, we've also got a series of valuable tips to help you make the most of your two-wheeled experience.

Mobilier jardin

A wonderful summer, fresh air and the desire to get moving

Imagine yourself with your hair blowing in the wind (under your helmet), riding through Luxembourg's beautiful mountains and valleys under the warm rays of the sun, in the shade of old oak trees. What more idyllic scenario could there be? Cycling is the perfect way to reconnect with nature, freedom and fitness.

Fortunately, Luxembourg is a magnificent country where nature is always close at hand. It's full of wonderful places to discover, such as the Ernz Blanche, the Trois Rivières, the Haute Sûre, and many more.

Marked routes... or not

Luxembourg currently has 632 kilometres of cycle paths, and this figure is rising all the time, with the short-term aim of reaching 900 kilometres. To keep up to date, we recommend that you consult the Office du Tourisme website, which offers themed itineraries.

In addition, the ProVélo association has just published two new maps of the Luxembourg cycling network (North and South), which are particularly practical. They focus on the easiest routes (former railway routes with lower gradients), provide information on bike hire, and show connections with rail transport.

The Tourist Office also offers special routes for mountain bikers, racing cyclists and experienced cyclists. The website currently offers 31 mountain bike routes and 15 routes for racing bikes.

For a unique experience, consider taking part in the VëloSummer. This highly successful event, which attracted 40,000 participants in 2020, will be repeated next year. No fewer than 65 municipalities across the country are closing certain roads to car traffic to offer 12 routes for cyclists and walkers.

Pedal, eat, sleep, pedal...

If your trip lasts several days, there are a number of options, including campsites and a range of accommodation with the bed+bike label.

Nearly a hundred establishments have been awarded this label, offering a warm welcome to cyclists and dedicated services such as a single night's stay, a secure room, a breakdown kit, the chance to dry your equipment, and even a breakfast adapted to physical exertion. We've thought of everything to make your trip as pleasant as possible.

If you're not sure whether to travel light or well equipped, Move We Carry is the solution for you. This service provides free transport for your luggage between two accommodations, eliminating the need to sacrifice comfort.

An adventure to continue this autumn?

Cycling every day to live longer

The advantages of cycling are numerous, and could well convince you to adopt this mode of travel on a daily basis. Those who do have good reasons:

  • Cycling is unbeatable in town for journeys of less than 5 kilometres.

  • No parking costs to worry about.

  • Regular cycling makes a significant contribution to extending life expectancy by reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease compared with driving a car.

What's more, with the increasing availability of electric bikes and combined bike and public transport offers, these journeys are becoming easier and easier to make.

Cycling your way

Luxembourg offers more and more solutions for cyclists. You can travel while keeping control of your bike, or switch from cycling to public transport.

Depending on availability, you can take your bike free of charge on Luxembourg buses, trains, trams and even funicular railways.

mBox bike cages are also available to park your bike safely at 70 sites strategically located close to public transport.

Safety for cyclists and bicycles

With the growing popularity of cycling, accidents and thefts are also on the increase. The police campaign "Sécher mam Vëlo" aimed to prevent these two major risks by reminding people of a few simple rules to avoid accidents:

  • respect the Highway Code like other road users

  • get the compulsory equipment and wear a helmet.

  • check the condition of the bike

As for theft, the Grand Duchy recorded 987 cases in 2021 alone. To reduce these risks, we recommend storing your bike in a secure place or using a strong lock in busy areas. Registering your bike can also increase the chances of recovering it in the event of theft, in particular, by engraving a code on the frame to make it easier to identify. The Police are also encouraging the use of the MySafe function on their mobile app.

As well as taking preventive measures, you can consider insurance cover with your insurer. At Foyer, two options are available to complement your car and home insurance:

  • To cover physical injury in the event of an accident, you can choose the "Driver injury insurance" cover in your mobilé motor insurance, which covers drivers named in the contract in all their journeys, including on electric scooters and other gyroroues. An alternative is the "Personal injury" (private life accident) cover in your mozaik home insurance, which insures all members of the household living under the same roof, including minors, with a family profile.

  • To protect your bike itself, Foyer offers the 'Leisure Goods' option as a complement to your home insurance, insuring your bike against theft, damage, collisions or falls, whether in Luxembourg or abroad.


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